Book Reviews · Briannas Reviews

Miss Mayhem (Rebel Belle #2) Review!


Yay! I finally finished Miss Mayhem (Rebel Belle #2) by the amazing Rachel Hawkins. Wow, why did I wait this long to actually read it because this book was even better than the first (in my opinion :D!)!!!!

Read my review for Rebel Belle here.


πŸŽ€ This book was adorable! While I found David and Harper’s banter to be a bit annoying in Rebel Belle, Miss Mayhem was full of cuteness and funny lines. The characters sarcasm, and Harper’s voice make Miss Mayhem that much more interesting.

πŸŽ€ I like how Harper is over controlling, it makes her different than other characters :). Sure, some of the things she did made me want to shake her and tell her all that is wrong with that, but it made things even more tragic/crazy in the end. She is an enjoyable character, and I really hope this isn’t the last Rebel Belle book πŸ˜₯ she was awesome…

πŸŽ€ The plot for this book was a full on roller coaster! There were so many ups and downs, I kept getting my feels smashed on. Seriously though, Miss Mayhem introduced many unique, interesting topics that I couldn’t put it down!

πŸŽ€ The ending πŸ˜₯ oh goooooosh the ending! So dramatic, I loved it!


πŸŽ€Β  Nothingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg πŸ˜€ I did give it 5 out of 5 stars πŸ™‚


Miss Mayhem was a wonderful book that deserves a chance. The characters, plot, and overall idea behind the story was amazing, and more than enjoyable. This made it to my top favorites list πŸ™‚

Have you read Miss Mayhem? Did you like it?

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9 thoughts on “Miss Mayhem (Rebel Belle #2) Review!

  1. I thought this book was cute, too. I’ve seen a lot of reviews that didn’t like this book anywhere near as much of the first, but I thought the first was pretty overhyped. Glad to see someone else likes this one!


    1. I really liked Miss Mayhem :)! Rebel Belle was good, but it was a bit hard for me to get into, so maybe that is why I liked this one better? Less time was spent on power explanations and learning, etc… Have a great day and thank you for the comment! πŸ˜€


  2. I did read Miss Mayhem. And I really liked it, but not everything worked for me. I thought the pacing was a little uneven and I hated how all the characters weren’t completely honest with another. Too much bad communication. I absolutely adored Rebel Belle, though, and I’m expecting the third book to be absolutely kick-ass. πŸ˜€


    1. I agree with you on that, Miss Mayhem did have a lot of deceit, I kept thinking “HAPER, COME ON! Be nice, don’t lie, just tell your bofie the truth >:|! But no, she never really did which was a bit frustrating! Rebel Belle was very cute though πŸ™‚ I really didn’t expect a third book because I liked the ending for Miss Mayhem… but I AM SO GLAD that their will be a third one :)! Thank you for the comment and have a wonderful day! πŸ˜€


  3. I am so glad to see how much you liked this. A book without one complaint…That says a lot. I still haven’t read Rebel Belle, and hope to get to it this summer. I am in the south and surrounded by pageant types, so this should be fun.


    1. Well I hope you enjoy it (that does sound like fun!), I know I (obviously XD) did! Rebel Belle is really good πŸ™‚ Thank you for the comment, have a wonderful day!


  4. I recently read Rebel Belle earlier this year and I loved it!! Your review has made me want to read Miss Mayhem as soon as possible! Loved your review!x


    1. OH yay :D! Rebel Belle is fantastic, glad t hear that you enjoyed it :)! Hope you love Miss Mayhem as much as I did, let me know how you liked/disliked it. Have a wonderful day πŸ˜€


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