safe ya

“Safe” Young Adult Books

Recently, I was at Barnes and Nobles and I’ve been noticing a lot of parent’s telling their kids that they have to read *insert book name here* first to make sure it’s safe for them to read. This has been happening a lot in the YA section where I typically stop by and it got me thinking, what are some “safe” Young Adult books?

Here’s what I mean by safe…

Books that aren’t very violent, suspenseful/thrilling, books that don’t have a lot of swearing or sexual scenes.

So I asked around and decided to compile a list of books that fit his description in case anyone is searching for safe YA :). SIDE NOTE: I haven’t read all of these books, most of these were recommended for this list. But I trust these people, feel free to click the books title and it’ll take you to goodreads to check it out yourself. OR if it is an author it will take you to their goodreads page where you can see their books ๐Ÿ™‚ since they are deemed safe.

ANOTHER NOTE: Some of these are Middle Grade! *

SIDE NOTE #3: These are NOT the ONLY safe YA books out there, there are more that aren’t on this list yet. If you think of some, let me know and I will add them. Thank you!


  1. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (takes you to book #1)
  2. Warriors Series by Erin Hunter*
  3. Avalon High by Meg Cabot
  4. The Mediator Series (take you to book #1) by Meg Cabot
  5. Gallagher Girls by Ally Carter (takes you to book #1)
  6. River of Time Series (takes you to book #1) by Lisa Tawn Bergren
  7. Two Moon Princess (takes you to book #1) by Carmen Ferrerio-Esteban
  8. Love Fortunes and Other Disasters (Grimbaud #1) by Kimberly Karalius
  9. A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro
  10. The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury
  11. The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure by Jason Fry*
  12. Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly
  13. Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy
  14. Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
  15. Florence by Ciye Cho
  16. How I Fall by Anne Eliot
  17. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness*
  18. Storm Siren by Mary Weber
  19. Tell the Story To It’s End by Simon P. Clark
  20. Watch the Sky by Kirsten Hubbard*
  21. Divine Love by Bethany Averie
  22. A Step Towards Falling by Cammie McGovern
  23. The Weight of Feathers by Anna-Marie McLemore
  24. Between the Notes by Sharon Huss Roat
  25. Flunked by Jen Calonita*
  26. A Frozen Heart by Elizabeth Rudnick
  27. Madly by Amy Alward
  28. The Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz*
  29. Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson
  30. Hello, I Love You by Katie M. Stout
  31. Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult
  32. Fairest by Gail Carson Levine*
  33. The Selection by Kiera Cass
  34. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart
  35. The Eight Day by Dianne K. Salerni*
  36. The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
  37. Tiger Lilly by Jodi Lynn Anderson
  38. A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall
  39. Two Girls Staring at the Ceiling by Lucy Frank
  40. The Martian by Andy Weir (adult but safe)
  41. Gamer Girl by Mari Mancusi
  42. The Giver by Lowis Lowry
  43. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl


  1. Kasie West- author of The Ditance Between Us (and more)
  2. Ally Carter- author of The Gallagher Girls (and more)
  3. Rick Riordan- author of Percy Jackson (and More)
  4. Melanie Dickerson- author of The Healer’s Apprentice
  5. Melody Carlson- author of Diary of a Teenage Girl
  6. Meg Cabot- author of The Princess Diaries
  7. Joan Bauer- author of Hope Was Here
  8. Elizabeth Scott author of As I Wake
  9. Jessica Day George- author of Dragon Slippers
  10. Cornelia Funke- author of Inkworld

10 thoughts on ““Safe” Young Adult Books

  1. I have to admit, when I first saw this post I thought it might be an argument that children shouldn’t have their books censored for them. :p And while of course I believe in exposing people to new ideas, I also believe parents have the right to put some limits on what their children read. And, frankly, this makes sense to me particularly with YA because it’s such a broad age range, encompassing 12-18 year old readers. (And even younger readers who like books above their stated age level.) So the books really range from “safe” middle grade-ish reads to things like A Court of Thorns and Roses, which I think could have been published as adult instead of YA.

    I actually get asked for “safe” recommendations a lot by teacher friends and such, so this is a really useful list. (Because of course a lot of schools have reservations about handing books about sex/drugs/swear words/whatever to students, even if the parents of said students wouldn’t have a problem with it.)


    1. No, I wasn’t writing against parents censoring the book their children read, I just wanted to make an easy to access list for parents/people who might be searching for that kind of book ๐Ÿ™‚ So it’s easier to find a book that will fit their requirements and all that, but the kid/person can still enjoy a good read. And I am SO glad it’s useful to you ๐Ÿ˜€ if you have any other books I should add, please let me know!


      1. I just answered a discussion question recently that was basically “Should young teens read Fifty Shades of Gray?” and there were a surprising amount of people arguing that essentially we shouldn’t be allowed to “hide” content from readers, so when I saw title of your post, I thought it might be going in that direction. ๐Ÿ˜‰ But I agree what kids should read really depends on the kid and what the parent wants. Some kids are ok with some content that would really traumatize others.


  2. I have read some of these books and agree that they would be suitable for younger readers, although personally (and this is just my personal opinion), I would have hated it if my parents had told me what was “safe” for me to read when I was younger, I reckon kids know what they are ready to read. But this is definitely a really useful list if readers of any age (not just young teens or adults with young teens) are looking for clean books.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Avalon High, Mediator, and Gallagher Girls are not MG. I’ve read the Cabot ones and they are definitely YA, but do fit your definition of “safe”. Cabot does right MG, those books are Allie Frankel’s Rules for Girls and From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess. There are some more MG Star Wars ones, you can find reviews of them on my blog. They should be tagged MG.


      1. You’re welcome. ๐Ÿ™‚ I should also point out that the most recent Mediator book (#7) is adult. With the 11 year publishing gap, Cabot aged up the characters since all the original fans are now my age. ๐Ÿ™‚ If you girls need any other recommendations, you know where to find me.


  4. Of the authors on your list, the only authors that I’ve read are Kiera Cass and Melanie Dickerson.
    I actually did a book review this week on Melanie Dickerson’s first YA novel.
    I think it’s appealing to anyone who has an interest in classic fairy tales that are reimagined for new audiences.
    I’m currently shopping for new YA authors. Are there any particular authors/books that you recommend?


    1. Oh thank you for sharing! I’ve never read Melanie Dickerson, but I have read Kiera Cass. What did you think of them? I really enjoy Sarah J. Maas, James Dashner, Kimberly Karalius, Brandon Sanderson… and book wise, I loved Illuminae, Throne of Glass, The Impostor Queen. Mostly anything fantasy ๐Ÿ™‚ what are some books you like?


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